Saturday, September 2, 2017

Apache Phoenix

  • Apache Phoenix is sql skin over No Sql database (HBase).  
  • Its Enables OLTP and operational analytics on Hbase.
  • Apache Phoenix is fully integrated with other Hadoop products such as Spark, Hive, Pig,Flume, and Map Reduce.

  • The project was created by the Salesforce.  
  • It was originally open-sourced on GitHub and became a top-level Apache project on 22 May 2014. 

Challenge :
  • The challenge today is blending the scale and performance of NoSQL with the ease of use of SQL

  • Hbase NoSQL column family database
  • Store data as sorted maps as byte Array
  • Low level APIs
  • Write Java code or use low level API

Why Phoenix

  • Relational database engine supporting OLTP for Hadoop use Apache Hbase as its backing store.
  • Transforms SQL queries to Hbase calls hence hiding complexities for noSQL functions.
  • Low Latency  
  • Reduces the amount of code users need to write 
  • Performance optimizations transparent to the user(scans, server-side filter, secondary indexes )

Phoenix and Hbase together

Accessing HBase data with Phoenix can be easier than direct HBase API

SELECT column FROM table WHERE column > 30


scan 'table', {FILTER => "ValueFilter(=,'binary:30')",LIMIT => 10}


HTable t = new HTable(“table”);
RegionScanner s = t.getScanner(new Scan(…, new ValueFilter(CompareOp.GT, new CustomTypedComparator(30)),…));
 while ((Result r = != null)
// Reading values from Result class object
byte [] value = result.getValue(Bytes.toBytes(“columnfamily"),Bytes.toBytes(" column "));


Phoenix pushes processing to the server - most "by hand” API accesses do not use co-processors  
Phoenix supports and uses secondary indexes
Phoenix uses "every trick in the book" based on various factors: the HBase version, metadata and query, reverse scans, small scans, skip scans, etc. 

Few Phoenix SQLs:

Create table  -

      zip CHAR(5) NOT NULL,  
      city VARCHAR NOT NULL,
      hhc BIGINT
      CONSTRAINT my_pk PRIMARY KEY (zip,city))
DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING='NONE',VERSIONS=5,MAX_FILESIZE=2000000 split on (‘a’, ‘p’ ,’r)’

Insert few records -

UPSERT INTO us_zip  VALUES('60500','New York', 81431);
UPSERT INTO us_zip  VALUES('60501',‘Dallas', 91233);
UPSERT INTO us_zip  VALUES(‘06095,‘Windsor, 92433);

Query -
SELECT zip,city ,hhc
FROM us_zip
where hhc = (select max(hhc) from us_zip );

View on the top of Hbase table - 

CREATE VIEW “test_log“  ( k VARCHAR primary key, “name”."value" VARCHAR);

CREATE VIEW my_view ( new_col SMALLINT )
    AS SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE k = 100;

Phoenix benefits
SQL Datatypes built in
•Schemas, DDL, Hbase Properties
Composite Primary Key
•Map existing Hbase tables
•Write to Hbase, read from Phoenix
•Client side rewriting
•Master-slave configuration
•Parallel scanning with final client side merge sort
•RPC batching
•Use secondary indexes if available
•Rewrites for multitenant tables

•Server side push down
•Skip scans
•Parallel Aggregation
•TopN (coprocessor)

•Join and Subqueries
•Inner, left, right, Full Outer join, Cross Join, Semi Join, Anti Join

•Query server – Similar to REST Server
•Protobuf 3.0 over http
•Has JDBC thin client

Spark Integration

•Secondary index
•At query time, the optimizer will use the index if it contains all columns referenced in the query and produces the most efficient execution plan

Global index
•CREATE INDEX my_idx ON sales.opportunity(last_updated_date DESC)
•Read optimized(Use case)
•Different table per index
•Transactional tables indexes have ACID guarantee
Local Index
•CREATE LOCAL INDEX my_index ON my_table (v1)
•Write optimized (Use case)
•Use same table – different CF
Functional index

By default, unless hinted, an index will not be used for a query that references a column that isn’t part of the index. 

  Future Road map
•Calcite Support
•No Generic Yarn or Tez layer
•Offset support
•Local index re-implementation


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